Several years ago the Trustees announced that a generous legacy had been left by a long time resident of Silchester for the benefit of Senior Citizens of our village who may find themselves needing a little help with transport. This could be in the way of helping with transport to the shops, medical appointments or maybe helping with an occasional visit to family which would otherwise be impossible. We could provide a taxi to make it easier for you. Please do not be afraid to ask if you do have a problem with transport - just telephone any of the Trustees below and we will see if we can help.
Also please remember Silchester's Richard Hyde Charity. If anyone, no matter what age, finds themselves in any sort of financial hardship please do not be too proud or independent to speak to any of the trustees listed below. All applications will be considered in absolute confidence. We have regular meetings so if you have a request please do get in touch and we can consider it then. However, we can always meet urgently and make a quick decision if there is a pressing need.
Trustees' contact numbers are:-
Ann-Marie Dalton 0118 9700627
Anita Withers 0118 9700196
Helen Morgan (sec) 0118 9701055